Hey there, my name is Oliver Nshom
Oliver Nshom is one of the Best Public Speaking Trainers, graduate from the Business Leadership School USA, a certified speaker from Kernan Consultancy USA, Trained and certified Human Resource professional (CHRP), Trained and certified Customer Relationship Professional (CCRP), Trained and Certified Management Consultant (CMC), Trained and Certified Speaker and Coach (CSC). He recently batched the Star Heroes after completing his Executive Master’s Program from MOGi Global Leadership School in Nigeria.
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13 Things Speakers Should Never Say While on Stage
Crush Laziness: Stop God’s Time is the Best.
Somebody Needs You
Professional Speaker Checklist
Get My Exclusive E-Books just for $ 8
Get some of my books on Amazon including Step Out of the Box which is currently one of the best selling books in Cameroonian, 25 Important Things to do before 30 years, Do’s and Don’ts in public speaking, Crossing over the journey of Impact, the Oliver Nshom story and more which will help you to becoming one of the Best Public Speaking Trainers in the world.
What our Students Have to say
Nyinchia Emmanuel
, CEO Honest Construction CompanyNyangha Cynthia
, Aspiring SpeakerFoka sherifatu Kinyuy
Tanwie Quintoline
Ridley Mnongo
, Art directorBunje Kelly Bih
, CopyrighterNdah Euodia
Our Achievements
For the past years, Oliver Nshom has been able to receive several awards and certifications from both local and international recognized bodies which Certifies him as one of the Best Public Speaking Trainers.
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