- Posted by Oliver Nshom
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- Date August 12, 2022
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Public speaking can be terrifying but when you care about your career and passion, you need to find a way to get your voice out. Public speaking is how you can share your idea with a large number of people, stand out from the crowd and get visibility in your field. Unfortunately, if your public speaking skills are not up to par, it is likely that no one will be focused enough on your presentation to really receive your message. Here are some tips that can make you an effective speaker.
Practice and prepare
All people feel some reactions like pounding hearts, trembling hands when going on stage. Do not adhere to these feelings because you will end up performing poorly or make a fool of yourself. Preparing will help you overcome this. Take time to go over your notes severally until you become comfortable with the material. Videotape yourself or get a friend to critique your performance
Know your audience
Before preparing your message, consider who the message is intended for. Learn as much about your listeners as possible as you can. This will help you determine your choice of words and motivational statement.
Tell stories and use effective language
People love stories. Inject a funny anecdote in your presentation and you will certainly grab your audience’s attention. Audiences generally like a personal touch in a speech and a story can help provide that.
Don’t read unless you have to
Reading from a script or slide fractures the connection. By maintaining eye contact with the audience you keep the focus on yourself and your message.
Make use of body language
Nonverbal communication carries most of the message. Good delivery conveys the speaker’s ideas clearly and without distraction. So make good use of your body’s language.
Avoid memorizing
Memorizing lines is one of the worst things one can do as a speaker. It makes you to sound not natural. If you happen to miss a word or phrase, the whole speech becomes disrupted. It will cause an unnecessary pause, silence which can lead to loss of place, panic, and loss of potentiality. The best thing to do is to know the key points instead of memorizing the lines.
Practice in a noisy environment
It is very common seeing people going to quite places void of noise to practice where they won’t get any distractions or disturbances. But the reality is that this does not prepare you for the real presentation. Practicing in a noisy environment prepares you for anything from shouting from the audience, heavy unexpected sounds from anywhere. This way, nothing will distract you during your presentation.
Make use of visual aid
It is true they say pictures speak a thousand words. This is very vital and important in your presentations. If your presentation has to do with data ad statistics, make good use of graphs and charts to convey your message and it is important to use projector when need be.
So if all these steps are well followed you will be able to make a good speaker.
Book Oliver Nshom today for your public speaking training and coaching.
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